History of the Bay City Garden Club

Doris Ziliak, Willie McLean, & Betty Smith (1960)
The Bay City Garden Club (BCGC) was founded in 1927.
In 1954, the club was invited to become a member of The Garden Club of America. For over 80 years our club strives to promote interest and education in horticulture, conservation, civic beautification, and the artistic use of plant material through our civic projects. The Garden Club has monthly meetings which include well-known speakers, hands-on fun and inspiring workshops.
The Bay City Garden Club is known for its Garden Walks and Flower Shows as a fundraiser for a community project.
The Garden Walk includes the sale of plants. Members’ skills in horticulture and the traditions of flower arranging are showcased in the judged flower shows. All proceeds raised from these events are returned to the community in the form of landscaping and a garden related donation. Some of the civic projects the Club has contributed to include: Bay City State Recreation Area, Kantzler Riverfront Arboretum Gardens & Kiosk, “Outdoor Reading Garden” at the Wirt Public Library, beautification of the Vietnam Veteran’s Memorial Park Monuments, “Play-by-the-Bay” Playscape, “Handicapped Accessible Gardens” at Disability Services and Resources Center. For a more detailed list of the Bay City Garden Club’s continuous contributions to organizations and projects visit our “Community Projects” webpage.